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I have a huge..BIG and important testimony- I just don't know what it is yet. In the meantime I work hard, take care of my SELF and try hard at achieving all my dreams.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love..can we move on?

Still thinking about Eat, Pray, Love

I want to get over with this. What are my thoughts on the movie? Let’s just get it over with it because I am still thinking about it and I cant come up with anything SUPER.

History: I read the book in December of 2007 or was it 2008 and it was my bible. After walking away from a 5 year relationship earlier that spring I was completely in aw with the book because it spoke to the anxiety demons I was going through, the desire to find prayer and build a relationship with myself and Faith and my hunger to believe in love again. It was cake for a fat kid!

I begged my friends to read it as it was a hidden jewel I found. My friends who are and have been forever happy with their long lasting relationships and had found themselves many years ago thought the book was poorly written, boring and “not a big deal.” But they honored that I was a big fan of it. So when the movie was announced I counted the days for it and set up a dinner, wine and movie night. I drove to Jersey the day before my big move all for the love of this book.

Was I disappointed? Not really. Was I reminded of why I loved the book? Not really. Was it like I had imagined it would be? Not really.

It’s no mystery that a book made into a movie looses its meat and potatoes so I took it for what it was; a movie after dinner with my girl friends.

Now back to the book- it served its purpose! It gave me an escape from my own worries. It’s a book that many can relate to or many can disagree with so I like it.

Is it logical to travel the world for a year in order to find a handsome man (well in real life he isn’t too handsome) and God? NO! Like Chelsea Handler (my Jersey soul sister comedian) said, “you risk getting malaria.”

My book sits proudly in my living room and it serves as a teacher, a counselor, an escape and a book with a pretty cover that was passed down to my girlfriends and back to me.

It’s no longer my bible but from time to time I remember that:
1- Eating your favorite delicates and indulging is love (I’m currently going through a phase of eating right now and its okay)
2- Prayer is important, clearing my mind is important, mediating and controlling my wild thoughts is a practice
3- Love is…..

Now can we move on because I do not want to keep thinking about this..

Thank you-
By LunaLove…a fan of Eat, Pray, Love

1 comment:

  1. I like your thoughts. I am also writing my "review" of the Book/movie for my blog

