“No one is in charge of your happiness except you”
So if I’m in charge…these are some of my healthy habits
1- Do pray/meditate… make it a healthy habit
2- Do YOGA....even if its once a week
3- Do run/jog around the park…even if its once a week
4- Do order a bottle of wine and share it with great company
5- Do schedule mani/pedicures
6- Do drunk text your best friends, better yet tweet while you are drunk..its fun
7- Do eat healthy but also delicious things
8- Do keep a personal journal where you can keep up with your herstory
9- Do buy yourself nice things
10- Do look at yourself in any mirror/window you see..especially down fashion avenue and stare.."yes I am looking at ME”
11- Do smile at yourself in the morning and say “you are beautiful”
12- Do laugh at yourself out loud, if you cant think of something you did that was funny..START living
13- Do everything to get rid of things that do not let you sleep!
14- Do remind yourself that life is a journey not a destination..be kind and forgive yourself
15- Do day dream, especially if you cannot remember your night dreams
16- Do what you need to do, and say what you need to say b/c “those who matter do not mind”
17- Do keep up with Netflix..enjoy the movie all by yourself
18- Do wear red lipstick, short shorts and things that make you feel pretty
19- Do count your blessings..like list them, write them down and give thanks
20- Do what makes you happy!
What are some of your healthy habits?
By Lunalove
I enjoy 1,3,4,5,7,14,15,17, and 20. I would say that my new found healthy habit is organizing! And learning to throw away things that just take up space! Yes, I meant that metaphorically. :-)